Mini Grant awardee page
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Art, photography, storytelling
Grantee and organization name
Chrissie Jones & Darrin Jones, Blue Pine LLC
Project title
"STAND TOGETHER, Let's Create a Neighborhood Where Everyone Can Feel Safe" - Virtual Community Engagement Campaign
Project description
Inspirational community woodwork signs created at no cost by local couple with diverse background who want to engage community members by inviting community to offer an inspiring quote to express solidarity against hate. Participants will be provided a woodwork sign created with their inspirational quote to display in visible areas in windows, doorways, front area of the participants' home to inspire unity in the community.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Fengdi Xu, Omniware Networks
Project title
Peace, Love, Unity - Youth Art Contest
Project description
Youth art contest open to all students Kindergarten through 12th grade who reside or attend schools in Santa Clara County and Art Exhibit at Los Altos Town Center and County Building.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Quynh-Mai Nguyen, Community Member
Project title
"Name Dictionary"
Project description
Social art project prompted by a lifetime of microaggressions: "people with foreign names should be in the dictionary with their picture in it." Disempowering the negativity of that statement by breaking down and creating visualizations to reveal faces of those hurt by similar hateful statements.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Fan Wu, Community Member
Project title
"Chinese Immigrants Contribution in Silicon Valley and Beyond, a Journey Through Photos and Stories" - Photoblog
Project description
Photoblog in English and Chinese (Mandarin) will be published and shared on various wide reaching social media platforms and newsletters for sharing stories of Chinese Immigrant Community in Silicon Valley and to showcase the variety of the Chinese community as a cultural and ethnic group and to advocate for cultural tolerance, understanding, and inclusion.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Alysyn Martinez, First Community Housing
Project title
"United Against Hate, We All Belong"- Community Engagement Meetings for Anthologies and Mural Design
Project description
Community engagement dialogues with storytelling collection about overcoming hate for residents and neighbors of the Los Esteros Family Apartments, San Jose, and through shared experience to work together in designing a community mural for the exterior of the housing complex for public view with an inspirational theme about diversity in community with representation of individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization
Henry Townsend, Empowered Men Built to Win
Project title
"Empowerment, Inspiration and Overcoming Hate, Bias and Racial Hostility" - Series of Community Listening Sessions
Project description
Bi-weekly facilitated discussions with special focus on providing support and empowerment for formerly incarcerated African American and other minority men (and those who identify as men) to overcome bias, racial hostility, discrimination and to reach personal goals and sharing online with community about recommendations and strategies to address experiences of hate in Santa Clara County.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization
Latasha Burton, Pink Ribbons of Endurance
Project title
Round Table Series for African American Women and LGBTQ members
Project description
Series of Weekly Round Table Discussions at African American owned beauty and hair salons facilitated by African American women speakers including women elders with a focus on women and LGBTQ members to validate and uplift one another through storytelling. Through sharing the history, experiences, and struggles of the African American community in Santa Clara County, participants will discuss how to develop coping mechanisms and support one another in the face of racial bias to inform the development of an educational tool kit on how to support African American women and LGBTQ members.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Michele Lew, Asian Women Empowered (AWE)
Project title
Panel Speaker Series on Civil Rights, Cross-Cultural Understanding and Allyship
Project description
Series of speaker panels with community leaders and advocates re discussions to focus on engaging AAPI women and allies and community at large.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Nadim Rahman, Community Member
Project title
Interactive Community Dialogues for Cross-Cultural Awareness
Project description
Series of Interactive Community Dialogues and community engagement to dispel misconceptions about various faiths/cultural groups, increase education and cross-cultural awareness, and engage in thoughtful dialogue on learning about other cultures and traditions for the community at large.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Sylvia Carsella, Upper Room Rehabilitative Services
Project title
"Resources, Healing, and Empowerment for Minorities Experiencing Homelessness, Incarceration and Mental Health" - Monthly Educational Support Group Series
Project description
Monthly educational support group series with guest speakers from mental health organizations and nonprofits for sharing resources with communities experiencing homelessness, mental health, and employment/housing discrimination based on history of system involvement.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization
Jasdev Singh, Sikh Alliance
Project title
"Know Your Rights" - Educational Town Hall Event
Project description
Know Your Rights Educational Townhall Event at Sikh Alliance Center with Speaker from District Attorney's Office to address hate incidents, bullying in educational settings, and in the community, including how to effectively communicate with school officials, law enforcement authorities about hate related concerns and hate crime incidents for Sikh community, neighbors, allies, and community at large.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Chunhui "Sierra" Tan, Garden of Joy Montessori International School
Project title
"Everyone is Welcomed in Our Neighborhood" & "Words are not for Hurting" Preschool Neighborhood Peace Walk and Curriculum
Project description
Series of Preschool Lessons on Peace, Equity and Inclusion, special sign making project and Neighborhood Peace Walk for Preschoolers and their Families, and online lesson plan for childcare providers and early childhood educators in Santa Clara County.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Winston Ashby, Positive Alternative Recreation Teambuilding Impact (PARTI)
Project title
"STOP THE HATE" Youth Labs for Empowerment & Cross Generational Dialogues
Project description
Ten weekly Coaching Sessions for African American and other minority High School students in Santa Clara County.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Winston Ashby, Positive Alternative Recreation Teambuilding Impact (PARTI) (2nd mini grant award)
Project title
"Safe Environments" Youth Labs for Self-Care
Project description
Multiple youth engagement activites including train the trainer support groups for youth ambassadors, peer-to-peer mediation, self-care sessions and a youth-ed community engagement event on MLK day for celebration and reflection
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Salomee Ahmed, Think Hopeful, Inc.
Project title
Community Outreach Warmline Coaches and Healing Circle Support Group for College Students
Project description
Professional Training for selected members of impacted community experiencing hate incidents to become coaches for Community Outreach Warmline (multi-lingual). And series of healing circle support groups designed especially for minority/marginalized college students for support, resource sharing, relationship building, reducing stigma and cultural awareness.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Sharon Jackson, Mama D 2nd Chance
Project title
High School Students Diversity Awareness Trainings
Project description
Series of High School Students Diversity Awareness Trainings designed to reach and engage African American and other minority high school students through series of weekly group discussions re: storytelling and resiliency building in the face of discrimination, bullying and hate in Overfelt, Silver Creek, Oak Grove, and Piedmont Campus. The purpose is to develop a Youth Forum convening and create an educational toolkit for adults working with youth from the African American community.
Grant Award: $2,500
Event, Performances
Grantee and organization name
Saldy Suriben, Silicon Valley Pride
Project title
"Education, Advocacy against Homophobic Legislation and attacks on LGBTQ+ Community -Finding a Safe Space and Supportive Network," Community Event
Project description
Community concert event celebrating local LGBTQ+ musicians and artists and presentations about the negative and hate motivated efforts nationally against LGBTQ+ community, including "Don’t Say Gay" bill, and to offer a safe, healing space to express authentic self. Community leaders will speak on how to inspire and encourage community civic engagement for LGBTQ+ and for allies.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Shafqat Khan, Butler Cafe V
Project title
"Garden of Unity" Anti-Hate & Community Building Event
Project description
Community building event celebrating local artists, community speakers, live painting, and nonprofit resource activities and tabling for LGBTQ+, POC, allies, community at large.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Trudy Ellerbeck, Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Association
Project title
"Sharing with Each Other Our Diverse History, Culture" Multi-Cultural Neighborhood Community Event
Project description
Multi-Cultural event at Mount Pleasant Neighborhood elementary school in partnership with the local library including youth music/dance performances to celebrate cultural diversity, community speakers to share snapshots about the diverse history and culture of the neighborhood, and resource tabling for children and families with language access in Spanish and Vietnamese.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Duyen Pham, Uplift Family Services
Project title
"Increase the Peace" - Community Event
Project description
Community Event open to all community members (Spanish/Vietnamese language access) with art performances, poets, speakers, and round table discussions by youth and community leaders on the topic of racism, hate and microaggressions with the goal to bring community support and advocacy for Racial Equity and Justice and allyship.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Samina Sundas, American Muslim Voice Foundation (AMVF)
Project title
"From Fear to Friendship-To Love Our Neighbors, We Must Know Our Neighbors" Community Event
Project description
Community Eid Festival Event for cross cultural understanding and interfaith dialogue on increasing mutual respect. Solidarity through storytelling, sharing holiday customs of major religions, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism for our diverse community.
Grant Award: $2,50
Grantee and organization name
Liyan Zhao, Asian American Parents Association (AAPA) & AAPI Silicon Valley (AAPI SV)
Project title
Celebrating Diversity and Promoting Understanding of different Asian American Communities in Santa Clara County
Project description
Community event for the public in collaboration with other non-profit organizations to showcase artistic performances, storytellers, and youth and senior leaders providing an intergenerational perspective on cultural learning, AAPI history, and celebrating diversity of the AAPI community with representation from Korean, Chinese, Malaysian, Filipino, Indian, and other AAPI groups.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Afrikahn Jahmal Dayvs & Tracy Cunningham, Jazzline Institute
Project title
#STOP THE HATE campaign - Radio Broadcasting with Founder Afrikanh Jahmal Dayvs and Local Musicians Dawan Muhammad and Simon Russel
Project description
60-minute radio shows interviewing various local musicians about hate incidents, experience and resiliency and invitation for listeners to share their own stories around overcoming hate with callers invited to reflect on overcoming hate and resiliency in the face of racism, discrimination.
Grant Reward: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Ellina M. Yin, Only in San Jose
Project title
"Addressing Bias, Prejudice, Building Empathy and Intergenerational, Trauma Informed Approach" - Podcast Mini-Series
Project description
Podcast mini-series sharing the lived experience of refugees of Vietnam War and Khmer Rouge with an intergenerational, trauma informed approach with language access in Hmong.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Michelle Jones, Trench Advocates
Project title
"What Really Matters in Addressing Hate, Attitudes and Treatment of Homeless Community" Art Workshops
Project description
Series of YouTube interviews with homeless community and educational tool kit on how to build trust, facilitate discussion, with the homeless community about sharing resources, and discussing recommendations (that will be shared online) re how the community at-large could help address hate violence and discrimination experienced by homeless individuals.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Pat Tietgens, Community Member
Project title
"Ask an Officer"- Know Your Right Video Series
Project description
Series of YouTube and WeChat Know Your Right video series with participation by local police officer (English and Chinese Access, subtitles) and Chinese immigrant community members to create FAQ style community centered informational videos on what steps to take when a community member is facing a hate incident, how to connect with law enforcement, and to build rapport between law enforcement and community, along with resource links to bystander trainings, mental health access and other supportive information.
Grant Award: $2,50
Grantee and organization name
Patricia Castaneda, Be Empowered
Project title
"Racial Healing and Cross-Cultural Understanding" - Telemundo 48 TV Programs
Project description
Telemundo 48 TV Program (Caravana de la Bahia) in Spanish on topic of bias, microaggression, discrimination that will also include interviews with community members from Overfelt neighborhood about their lived experiences of overcoming hate and information from educators about anti-violence and anti-bullying resources and programs.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Ludmila Koskova Nesbit, Community Member
Project title
Your Modern Library
Project description
Free Book/Video/Article Reviews to uplift local BIPOC history and Local authors from minority groups. Reviews by teachers, educators, will be provided about the literary work with opportunities for students to learn how to review literary work that promotes equity and inclusion and lifts the voices of historically marginalized communities.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Elias Memon, Community Member
Project title
"Belonging to the Diverse Fabric of Santa Clara County: Overcoming Hardship and Hate as a homeless person in the richest county in the nation" - Poetry Symposium
Project description
Collection of stories and/or reflections, poetry about how to support the homeless community with theme of overcoming hardship and hate as a homeless person.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Mickelin Burnes-Browne, Housing Arts N Development Services (HANDS)
Project title
"Children are Our Future, Teach Them Now and Let Them Show Us the Way," Children's Workshop and Performance
Project description
Children's workshops (3rd - 7th graders) that offer teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and storytelling by community elders about African American/African Ancestry history while guiding children to create an art/dance/music presentation inspired by the workshops at a family event sponsored by Santa Clara County Library to share with the community at-large.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Trami Cron, Chopsticks Alley Art
Project title
"What's in a Name?" Healing Art Workshop
Project description
Workshop for AAPI Artists facilitated by local art educator, mental health expert, and artists for creating healing space and interactive community dialogue on the challenges, stressors unique to artists in the AAPI community at Sanborn County Park.
Grant Reward: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Xiaoling Michelle Zhang, Community Member
Project title
"Confronting Anti-Asian Hate During the Pandemic"
Project description
Know Your Rights Educational Workshop about Hate Incident Reporting with a focus on Asian American Small Business Owners, Book Reading event and Asian American Historian presentation about Asian American History in Santa Clara County in Chinese, and Fireside Chat with local Korean American author and activist on the topic of social justice and racism against Asiana American communities.
Grant Reward: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Bonnie Hasson, Community Member
Project title
Anti-Bias Curriculum for Child Development and Early Childhood Educators
Project description
An anti-bias curriculum workshop for childcare providers and educators including hands-on activities, worksheets, resources and a reflection board. A compilation of these materials will be available as an educational toolkit for outreach.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Manju Kumari, Akshara Learning Center
Project title
Anti-Bias Curriculum for the Early Childhood Environment
Project description
An anti-bias curriculum workshop for childcare providers and educators for in-classroom lessons to engage young children, field trips to morning Tai-Chi classes in the community to expand AAPI exposure and community stories. All workshop materials will be compiled as an educational toolkit.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Marty Estrada, Community Agency for Resources and Advocacy (CARAS)
Project title
"Anti-Bullying Intervention, Overcoming Hate, and Know Your Right Education re Reporting Hate Incidents." - Series of Educational Workshops
Project description
Series of Educational Workshops in South County for community at-large with Spanish language access, and pen to all community members in South County (Gilroy), designed to reach immigrant families, minority groups, very low/extremely low-income families, youth with resources, Know Your Rights education, mock scenario presentations, and session materials on anti-bullying intervention, types of hate incidents, reporting, empowerment, and inspiration on overcoming hate in community.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Asha Sudra Finkel, Community Member
Project title
"Not Your Masi's Generation"
Project description
Two-day Young South Asian Poetry Presentation & Poetry Writing Workshop open to all community members and focus topic on South Asian experience and stories relating to mental health, intergenerational trauma, and resiliency, BIPOC, South Asian youth (13-25) strongly encouraged to attend.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Luisa Salas, Caminar, LGBTQ Wellness Program
Project title
"Letters to my Siblings, Cartas para mis Hermanxs," QTBIPOC Community Storytelling Workshop & Zine Publishing
Project description
Series of workshops with QTBICPOC community to collect stories of empowerment and addressing misconceptions, anti-LGBTQ and discrimination while reclaiming the power of self-truth, resiliency and community as chosen family. Stories collected are published into a Zine to share online and in print in English/Spanish with the community at-large.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Irem Choksy, Community Member
Project title
"Seniors Rock" Storytelling Series & "Dip & Hip" Cultural Events
Project description
Series of Storytelling and Resource workshops for Seniors at Milpitas Senior Center and other Community Centers in Santa Clara County for thoughtful exchange of shared experience, cultural diversity, traditions, and a sense of appreciation for diversity to combat discrimination due to age, culture, and race.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Keri Stokstad/Nicole McClain, Midpeninsula Community Media Center
Project title
"Our Immigration History" Workshops and Media Archive
Project description
Series of storytelling writer's workshops for High School students, who are guided on collecting family immigration experiences. Grantee, a local media organization, archives and edits these immigration stories for nationwide public and educator access.
Grant Award: $2,500
Grantee and organization name
Trami Cron, Chopsticks Alley Art (2nd mini grant award)
Project title
"We Are What We Eat - Sharing, Reclaiming Power of AAPI Communities with Communal Cooking and Storytelling" Workshop Event
Project description
Community storytelling workshop through art and healing that aims to support Asian American Community members in connecting, sharing, and reclaiming power in the face of experiencing hate incidents, aggression and violence through the art and senses including nature, food to evoke memories and communal connection, and participants reflections and stories.
Grant Award: $2,500