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Office of Immigrant Relations

Office highlights

collage of United States shape with plant sprouts

New Americans in Santa Clara Clara County

Released by the American Immigration Council—in partnership with the Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations. This report underscores the crucial role immigrants play in the county’s labor force, business creation, and consumer spending power.

2023 New Americans Fellows

New American Fellowship (NAF) Program

Modeled on Dream Summer and similar programs, the SCC’s NAF provides 10-week research and professional development to 10-15 immigrants each summer. These immigrants have a temporary status or recent refugee experience and often have few other opportunities to access paid and high-quality professional development internships. Through this program, over 100 individuals have graduated and continued to enrich local communities.

Monarch butterflies and illustrated hills

Immigrant Belonging Project

The Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) is partnering with the Othering and Belonging Institute (OBI) at the University of California at Berkeley. The project includes gathering information shared by immigrant communities from 12 language groups.

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