Intimate partner violence
- Santa Clara County domestic violence statistics, FY19
Santa Clara County’s domestic violence data from fiscal year 2019 provided by the Domestic Violence Advocacy Consortium and the Office of the District Attorney, in partnership with the Office of Gender-Based Violence Prevention - Lessons learned: how can courts and communities work to enhance their response to domestic violence?; Center for Court Innovation, 2017 1
- IPV Blue Ribbon Task Force Final Report, June 2017 1,2
This report includes a series of strategies and recommendations designed to increase system alignment and large-scale change to prevent and address IPV in the County. - Women-Homelessness-SCC-Final-Report-Aug-2018.pdf 2
The first study in Santa Clara County that specifically looks at the unique pathways to homelessness and the needs of women experiencing homelessness, with targeted recommendations and solutions to address their needs
Human trafficking
- Human Trafficking Data Report, 2015 1,2
This report is a compilation of different data collected by direct service providers, law enforcement agencies, and county departments over various times periods ranging from 2003 to 2015 and offers important insights to a growing problem.
Annual reports
- Fiscal Year 2020, Office of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Annual Report 2
1 Prior to 2019, gender-based violence work was done through the County of Santa Clara Office of Women's Policy.
2 This report is currently being updated for accessibility. Please check back or contact [email protected] to request the report sooner.